Terms & Conditions

September 2024 Reviewed Annually

To ensure you get the most out of your experience with Move Dance Academy, please carefully read the following terms and conditions. Our terms and conditions are in place to provide a professional service to you as our customer and to safeguard our students. 


·      Move Dance Academy offers one free trial for each student.

·      Students enrol for the term ahead which must be paid in full by the second week of enrolment.

·      Invoices must be paid via BACS. Details are outlined on the invoice.

·      Payment plans are available to make payments more manageable, so please get in touch to set       this up.

·    Late payments will be sent a reminder. If the payment is not made before the student's next class      then they will be unable to participate.

·    Fees are not refundable.        

·      If a class is cancelled due to sickness of the class teacher, health epidemic or any other unforeseen     event, we will try our hardest to re-schedule. If we do re-schedule, no refunds will be given.


·    Enrolment will automatically be carried over each term, unless half a terms notice is given in           writing to Move Dance Academy (info@movedanceacademy.co.uk).

    If this notice is not given, you will still be charged for half a term and the amount will be owed to       Move Dance Academy.


·    Students must arrive on time and in the correct uniform for their class. All uniform is available to       order through Move Dance Academy.

·    Parents are permitted to stay for their child's free trial class. A watching week will take place at the     end of each term. Mobile phones can be used to film your own child but any footage including         other children MUST NOT be posted on social media.

    If you child is under 7 at The Heron Centre classes, please ensure you stay on site in case they         need the toilet. The class teacher will send you a message to inform you.

·      A register for each class is maintained by the teacher for the purposes of safety and security.

·      Physical contact may be necessary by members of the teaching staff, in line with our health and       safety policy and safeguarding policy. If you have any concerns regarding this matter,               please contact Caroline McCreight the Owner and Safeguarding Lead at Move Dance Academy.

    Move Dance Academy cannot be held responsible for injuries obtained during dance class. All          teachers will ensure students are learning in a safe environment and manner.

·      Please notify your class teacher of any absence/illness in advance.

·      Please notify the class teacher before the class if you have any injury before the class.

    Students will not be allowed to leave the building without a trusted adult, unless verbal/written        permission is given.

    Mobile phones, smart watches and other electronic device's are not permitted to be used in class      unless it is being used for learning purposes at the discretion of the class teacher.

    Move Dance Academy do not accept any liability for lost or damaged belongings.


    Our annual summer show will be be professionally filmed, so filming is not permitted by audience      members.

    Any students wishing to participate in shows and exams are required to pay the fees for entry,        costumes and tickets.

    The International Dance Teachers Association (IDTA) is the awarding body for our examinations.       The level of the student entering is at the discretion of the teacher.

    The examinations are external and only students who participate in the exam, arriving on time on      exam day will receive an award from the IDTA.

    Shows and Examinations are optional. 


·    Photos and videos are taken in classes and events throughout the dance school year. They will be      used for media, advertisements, trade and any other lawful purposes if consent has been given.


·      There is a code of conduct in place for students. Failure to follow this will result in a discussion for      action with the parent or immediate dismissal if serious misconduct has taken place. E.g Bullying.


·    If your child has a physical or mental health condition that we need to be aware of, then please        ensure you provide us with as much detail as possible in your enrolment form and provide us with      any updates/changes.


·      If you/your child develop symptoms of COVID-19 or a positive test result, try and stay at home to      prevent infecting others.

September 2024 Reviewed Annually

To ensure you get the most out of your experience with Move Dance Academy, please carefully read the following terms and conditions. Our terms and conditions are in place to provide a professional service to you as our customer and to safeguard our students. 


·      Move Dance Academy offers one free trial for each student.

·      There are two options for payments for adult classes: Invoice termly or Pay as You Go


·      Invoices must be paid via BACS. Details are outlined on the invoice.

·      Payment plans are available to make payments more manageable, so please get in touch to set       this up.

·    Late payments will be sent a reminder. If the payment is not made before the student's next class      then they will be unable to participate.

·    Fees are not refundable.        

·      If a class is cancelled due to sickness of the class teacher, health epidemic or any other unforeseen     event, we will try our hardest to re-schedule. If we do re-schedule, no refunds will be given.


    Classes can be paid for with cash at the beginning of the class or via BACS before the class to the      following account:

    Account Name: Miss Caroline McCreight

    Account Number: 59032677

    Sort Code: 602148


·    Students must arrive on time and in safe clothing/footwear. All uniform is available to order           through Move Dance Academy.

·    Photo's and videos will be taken in class and you will be asked to join the optional Whatsapp group     for videos/photos and updates!

·      A register for each class is maintained by the teacher for the purposes of safety and security.

    Move Dance Academy cannot be held responsible for injuries obtained during dance class. All          teachers will ensure students are learning in a safe environment and manner.

·      Please notify your class teacher of any absence/illness in advance.

·      Please notify the class teacher before the class if you have any injury (long-term or short term)        before enrolment/the class.

    Move Dance Academy do not accept any liability for lost or damaged belongings.


    Our annual summer show will be be professionally filmed, so filming is not permitted by audience      members.

    Any students wishing to participate in shows and exams are required to pay the fees for entry,        costumes and tickets.

    The International Dance Teachers Association (IDTA) is the awarding body for our examinations.       The level of the student entering is at the discretion of the teacher.

    The examinations are external and only students who participate in the exam, arriving on time on      exam day will receive an award from the IDTA.

    Shows and Examinations are optional. 


·    Photos and videos are taken in classes and events throughout the dance school year. They will be      used for media, advertisements, trade and any other lawful purposes if consent has been given.


·      There is a code of conduct in place for students. Failure to follow this will result in a discussion for      action or immediate dismissal if serious misconduct has taken place. E.g Bullying/ Agression


·    If you have a physical or mental health condition that we need to be aware of, then please            ensure you provide us with as much detail as possible in your enrolment form and provide us with      any updates/changes.


·      If you develop symptoms of COVID-19 or a positive test result, try and stay at home to               prevent infecting others.